Message from Webmaster : If you have
a page about this subject, please put a link in your page to mine.
I will be periodically searching in
the main search engines for your page, so that I can also put a link to
NOTE: If you wanna be sure that I will find your page, the
only way is using in your page
a previously combined keyword not known in any language of the STAGE WORLD,
and after that adding your page to a combined search engine. Therefore,
when any of you (SURVIVORS) search for this keyword, will only find
pages about this subject, probably made by the others like you, so that,
after a certain time, a network of homepages will have be built, all
linked to all. The more ideas, the more solutions. The more solutions,
the more freedom. Remember : the BACKSTAGE is global, not individual. So I suggest you use the keyword : "dissahc"
and the search engine Altavista.
Don't miss the spelling : D-I-S-S-A-H-C . If you don't manage to add your page to Altavista, don't worry. In this
case, I suggest an
alternative important search engine (always using keyword DISSAHC),
such as Yahoo,
Lycos or
Google, so as I can find your page
through a metasearch service such as the
One2seek Metasearch. And don't worry either, if you find exotic or irrelevant responses when
searching for keyword 'dissahc'. It's only the Matrix flexing its
muscles. That's a usual procedure and that's part of their job, at least
from THEIR point-of-view. As our friend piece_of_nothing would say,
"YOU KNOW". Deconstruct occasional keywords and mentalize something like
denying.htm). Beware also of the false friends. Remember : THEY can fake everything,
including a SURVIVOR. So don't trust the others, and don't trust me.
I don't know about piece_of_nothing (the anonymous author of this
text), but I'm not authorizing anybody to e-mail you on behalf of myself. So
in case you do build your homepage on this issue and choose to divulge
your e-mail address, don't believe in anybody identifying as myself. NOTE : Due to the possibility of false friends, pages in languages other
than English must have a version or at least a summary in English in order
to receive a link from this page. The exceptions are French, Spanish,
Italian, German, Portuguese and Russian languages, which can be traced by the
Altavista's rough translator.
My apologies to the speakers of other languages.
(Added on June 17 th, 2000)
(Added on November 29 th, 2000)
(Added on December 09 th, 2000)
(Added on December 28 th, 2000)
(artificial synchronicity/Metasearch)