(Added on September 24 th, 2000) In a desperate attempt to anchor your perception in the Stage World and
also to make you believe in a variety of illusions (like in the so-called
"ego", for instance), THEIR characters may try to use the psychologist
approach. So in the sentences THEY use all the time to speculate over your brain,
THEY may include something like this :
Well, THEY are trying to subliminally inculcate in your brain the demented
idea that you're sick. In other words, according to their description of
reality, you have a disease that must be "treated" by THEIR
"specialists" : the disease of feeling true love in your heart, the disease
of thinking for yourself, the disease of not following everybody else like
That's it : a complete inversion of values. In reality, it's not
difficult to perceive that THEIR characters are a disease that should be
treated urgently. THEY need desperately a treatment in order to learn
how to feel true love, how to transcend dichotomies and how to live a more
truly spiritualized life, more connected to the heart, and not to the brain.
As a matter of fact, the 'Matrix' reality itself is a disease
that needs to be treated through the arrival of the "GLOBAL D-DAY".
But that's another story... True Love is something that cannot be theorized, discussed or analyzed
in a divan, let alone in round table debates or workshops. After all, it's
free, it's universal, it's for everybody and it doesn't produce money or
titles ! Can you conceive Neo being analyzed in a divan by a psychologist of
the Matrix reality, a certain "Dr. Smith" (i.e. Agent Smith) ? The seed of psychoanalysis was planted in the last decades of the
nineteenth century and in the first decades of the twentieth century by the
two known icons of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, amidst an
environment in which foreigners and agents from BOTH SIDES
started infiltrating themselves in the Stage World, carefully disseminating
certain ideas over neutrals in order to prepare their minds to what
would come over the following decades of the twentieth century : a dispute
to control the Earth, having to respect the free will of each neutral
individual. Freud created the concept of "ego", and later on he perfected his theories
to reach more elaborate concepts like the "splitting of the ego" into several
sub-categories or particles, each one of them to be blamed by the problems
generated by unresolved dichotomies in one's brain, or in the case of
linguistic prisoners generated by THEIR speculation (doubletalk,
association of ideas, artificial synchronicity, thought control, etc.). Destructive concepts were elaborated, such as :
There is not, there never was and there will never be an "ego". It's an
illusion that is not inherent to the human condition.
We are spiritual beings. Since the day a neutral human being
is born in the Stage World, his or her brain is told how the world should be,
how the apparent reality that permeates society should govern his or her life,
and which are the descriptions of reality that he or she should consider as
being valid. The so-called "ego" is just an illusion created by the dichotomies
present in one's perception field. It's just like a mirage in a desert.
Could you imagine yourself theorizing about a mirage and even dividing this
mirage in little pieces, comparing these pieces, and then theorizing again ?
The more you talk about the mirage, the more the size of the
mirage to your brain. And further you are of deconstructing the
illusions and freeing your brain from their speculation. So whenever THEY try to attach an ego-based "explanation" to your
acts or to the very acts of THEIR characters in the Stage World, you can
mentalize : "PRESUMED EGO THEORY". Carl Jung, by his turn, wrote in 1958 a book called "Flying saucers :
a modern myth of things seen in the skies", where these objects were
presented as a projected manifestation of the "collective uncounscious"...
And before that he wrote a lot about the naturalness of synchronicity
(in "Synchronicity : an acausal connecting principle", where he
coined the expression "synchronicity"), and
about the role nightly dreams and archetypes in general allegedly have
in projecting one's "uncounscious". These ideas were purposely created with the intention of putting the
human species to sleep, to blind them from the truth.
And with the intention of transforming the linguistic prisoners in
particular into slaves that should conform themselves to the speculation,
to the brainwashing and to the idea of marching into a slaughterhouse like
cattle in order to make their auric payment. Can you see how deep the rabbit-hole goes ? These ideas were created to reinforce the false notion that you're not
the owner of your destiny. By accepting these ideas, the brain of a
linguistic prisoner is encouraged to follow the external signs of
guidance, whether through their sentences, through the orchestrated movements
of their characters artificially creating "coincidences" around him or her,
or through the "signs" that appear in a nightly dream. The fact is that THEY manipulate your perception field, artificially
creating a counterfeit synchronicity all the time around you. THEY also clone
(imitate) your behaviors and conclusions in an attempt to cheat your brain
making it believe that they are assuming responsibility for your acts and
decisions regarding your life. THEY can easily read your mind,
analyze your thoughts and scan your aura. And THEY do this in a speed
hundreds of times faster than the speed of their characters in the Stage
World. Everyone of them reads carefully and with precision each little word,
idea, symbol, image or archetype that goes to your mind. THEY project images during the night inside your dreams. These images
are artificially created in THEIR Operation Center(s) and carefully
studied to fit the goals of their speculation. Their speculation is based on the structure of the human brain,
especially the structure of the memory. You only have to have a
human brain to be manipulated. The human memory is organized
in the form of a relational database : placing similar information on top of
each other, in categories - like an Internet directory -, and establishing
internal pointers between connected issues. Recent information are
accessed first (because they are on the top of that memory stack), as well as
unusual information (because even being old they are still on top of that
memory stack, once those elements didn't happen again yet). THEY know exactly what are the facts, words, ideas and archetypes that are
on top of each one of your memory stacks, so that THEY can manipulate your
thoughts just by associating the ideas that are on top of these stacks with
their distorted sentences. Notice also that by cloning (imitating) your behaviors, THEY not only
try to assume responsibility for your acts : THEY also erase your own acts
from the top of your memory stacks, placing theirs on top of these stacks,
so that you will remember easier their acts instead of yours. THEY want to
confuse your brain. THEY want to control your life. Additionally, your aura is like a library containing all the facts of
your past. They can access all the information they want just by looking at
you. It's like performing a search through a search engine in the Internet.
Love has no secrets. And what one of them knows, all the others know, just
like in a community of dolphins in the ocean. Another function of psychoanalysis is to anchor your perception in the
reality of the Stage World. Psychologists work over false premises like
for instance the ones showed below. Let's take a look at them.
YOU KNOW that the world where you live is a Stage, just like in the movie
"The Truman Show". The difference is that there are some hundreds
of thousands of Trumans - survivors of the hurricane - living
in the Stage World amidst over five billions characters, and not only one
Truman Burbank. (if you have any doubt about it, read section
Denying the Truth
- Remembering the hurricane). But even before the hurricane, over the last 120 years or so, the
society values of each decade have been so contaminated by the manipulation
of foreigners of BOTH SIDES; by the official "happenings" and
official "news" in the Stage World - artificially induced by the
performances of their characters; by their idols
artificially placed in
positions of fame; and by their characters occupying positions of authority
defining reality for neutrals' minds (the
media reality makers,
the science reality makers, etc.); that you can say that during this period
the society values of the Stage World merely reflected the result of the
sum total of antagonistic foreign forces involved in the process of
defining reality. So society values were never "genuine", at least in the last 120 years.
They have always been a result of foreign forces disputing spaces in
the Stage World... Well, notice first that "mother"
and "father" are important keywords
within their second-meaning "vocabulary", and that blaming them for your
alleged "problems" is really very convenient for their scheme of speculation.
And if you're a PAN, observe that your official parents in the
Stage World are NOT responsible for the traumas
the OTHER SIDE may have placed in your mind through
horse movements
and the association of ideas, nor for the possible
blockage of some of your
chakras deliberately (and wisely) conducted by OUR SIDE. The more you analyze your alleged "problems", the more you do what they
want you to do : to dive in an ocean of illusions, like self-pity or the
"going back home" disease, for instance. Realize that in reality you have no problems. The only problem
you have is their brainwashing, their linguistic speculation over your brain,
their distortions, false dichotomies and false premises, and the illusion of
vampirism they have created over your mind through years of doubletalk,
association of ideas and mathematical similarities. That's chiefly a question of control, 'Matrix' style.
They have a problem : they want to control your life.
So you must solve their problem. You must tell them that you're the only
owner and master of your own destiny. Well, a "personality" is something that can be pretended in the Stage
World, it's something that can be faked or artificially produced. It is part
of a character guideline, along with several other attributes, like little
manias, "preferences", likes and dislikes, "opinions", emotional reactions,
and so on. The day you have your crystal activated and also access to
your pigeon-holes, you'll learn all you need about what
Carlos Castaneda calls the "art of stalking" (that is,
pretending skills). Then you'll able to pretend any character in the Stage
World, including any emotion and "personality" necessary to fulfill the
character guideline. The majority of foreigners (it varies according to their places
of origin) are able to occupy up to three shells (and therefore pretend
up to three characters) at the same time.
Now think with me : wouldn't psychologists say of them that they have a
"mental disorder", or a "disturbance" caused by "triple personality" ? So if one of these foreigners is speculating over your brain
using the psychologist approach, you can mentalize : "TRIPLE PERSONALITY
DISTURBANCE". And since you have the right training, changing "personalities" is as easy
as changing clothes. If you're a PAN, then some day in the future
you'll be able to assume your original shape, if you want. From this
matrix shape, you'll be capable of shaping any other valid shell in the
Stage World, each one of them having a "character guideline", including a
specific "personality". Again THEY are anchoring your perception in this "Matrix" reality.
Remember : you're not your shell, and you're not your identity.
These things are easily constructed and deconstructed in an Operation
Center. Shells are just modeling clays. And identities
(along with "family ties", documents, credit cards, etc.) are also
fakeable in the Operation Center. Your personal history or "biography" can be changed, or omitted.
It can be easily fabricated. That's how foreigners operate in the
Stage World. And even without a crystal activated, you can
"create a fog" around you, if you want, at least partially. And regarding age, do you really believe people should be
compartmentalized in age groups, in such a way that each group would be given
a specific role in society ? By dividing the social reality in little pieces,
the Stage World consumption machine can easily create habits, dreams,
values, behaviors, and - of course - markets and profits. Who defines
reality for you ? That's your life, your happiness. Not theirs.
Are you cattle ? Realize also that if you're not your shell, then you're not your age,
either. And age is also the attribute of a character. It's one of the aspects
of your shell (apparent age) and of your identity (official age). Both your
shell and your identity can be changed. You do not have any compromise
with the idea of continuity in the Stage World. If you're a PAN, you can live 150 or 180 years (counting on the
Stage World calendar), replacing shells back and forth whenever necessary.
Psychoanalysis can also be used to cover-up their speculation. It is
considered to be a "social science" and therefore who will dare to contest
someone in a scientific position of authority - that is, a
"psychologist" ?
If you dig deep, you'll find out amazing cover-ups for the general scheme
of speculation introduced in the Stage World over the last twelve decades by
their characters in scientific positions of authority. If you label their
linguistic speculation some kind of "mathematical Nazism", then these
characters would play the role of Goebbels, the mastermind of Nazi
propaganda during World War II. Victor Tausk, disciple of Freud, wrote in 1933 a study called "On the
origin of the 'Influencing Machine' in Schizophrenia", where he described
his alleged "schizophrenic" patients as presenting the following
characteristics : they felt their lives were carefully observed; their
thoughts were commented by the other people; their innermost feelings were
combed; as well as the space they inhabited was supervised by strange and
external forces... Any similarity with a linguistic prisoner isn't merely a
coincidence. YOU KNOW. The difference is that you're not a
"schizophrenic", but only one more citizen with a human brain, the only
existing requirement for being targeted by their doubletalk and artificial
synchronicity. Tausk enunciates what would become the standard by which psychoanalysis
examines certain forms of hallucination and suggestion, having been used
to "explain" anything from UFO sightings to conspiracy theories and paranoia.
In the same study, Tausk significantly mentions with detailed precision
the characteristics of some plasmic, energetic, invisible weapons of the
OTHER SIDE that probably - if you're a survivor of the
hurricane - have actually hit your brain several times during the
passage of the hurricane through your city years ago :
"Big Brother"-style invisible cameras (either fixed or flying ones)
from the OTHER SIDE were the rule everywhere in the streets during the
decades that preceded the passage of the hurricane (1993/1996),
especially in the big cities. It was virtually impossible at that time to
talk so openly about this subject, otherwise the characters of the
lizards of the OTHER SIDE operating in the Stage World would
precipitate an unprecedented, small but continuous hurricane over
your routine, including those machines described above. Do you remember the
hurricane ? So everything had to be "reduced" into distorted compartments and labels
that didn't correspond to the truth, like "schizophrenia", for instance.
And at the same time this procedure produced the linguistic collateral damage
over the minds of linguistic prisoners... Recently, during the hurricane period (1993/1996), THEIR characters
in scientific position of authority introduced another term in the "glossary"
of psychoanalysis : "the panic syndrome",meaning "someone who is
pannicked by the world around him or her", or "someone who is afraid of the
other people". In other words, someone affected by their linguistic
speculation and by their artificial synchronicity... Also in the Nineties, another label was invented to speculate over
linguistic prisoners, especially male survivors of the
hurricane : the so-called "Peter Pan syndrome", meaning
"a man who doesn't want to grow up, living stuck in his childhood or
adolescence". Realize that pan is a very specific keyword within
THEIR "vocabulary" of
speculation, which is perfect to define the PAN condition of the
majority of the present survivors. And notice that the original story of Peter Pan (as well as many other
so-called "fairy tales") deliberately manipulates archetypes and
symbols that are part of THEIR very scheme of brainwashing and
thought control : fairies (keyword ANGEL),
pirates (keyword BLACK),
mermaids (keyword SISTER),
the dreaded crocodile (keyword ALLIGATOR),
the evil Captain Hook, Peter looking for his lost
shadow (the linguistic speculation itself), or
Peter and his tribe of "Lost Boys"
flying home (keyword GOING BACK HOME)
to "Neverland"...
(Neverland = "never-comes-land". It corresponds to Ixtlan; or Wonderland;
or the "Promised Land"; or Shangri-la; or Magonia; or their 'Shell Beach'
in 'Dark City'; or 'Fiji' in 'The Truman Show'). Observe that growing up spiritually is deconstructing the dichotomies
present in their speculation, and that their speculation is based on
mathematical similarities. So if you're a PAN, the name of the
character "Peter Pan" hits your brain with a mathematical similarity, but
all the rest is a cynical distortion purposely created to take energy from
you by inducing you to feel self-pity : after all, you have a disease, THEY
say, a syndrome, "the Pan syndrome". You don't want to "grow up", all you
want is to "go home" and "relive your past". Remember : there is no going back home. And your vampirism
exists today, not yesterday. It's an illusion that was created by THEIR
doubletalk during your linguistic prison. Mentalize : "ETERNAL WIFE
(if you're a woman). To reinforce, you may add : "INVENTED IMPEDIMENT". And finally, since 1999/2000, this artificial "glossary" created by their
characters in scientific position of authority is evolving again, this time
to include another term : "mobbing" (U.S. term) or "bullying"
(British term) meaning "workplace harassment", or "repeated attacks at work
that humiliate, isolate and belittle". This is one of the categories of the
horse movements that has always been used over
linguistic prisoners' minds. These so-called "psychologists" won't ever admit that THEY are
also part of the speculation : THEY are also characters, THEY also read your
thoughts, THEY also manipulate your behaviors, and THEY also
fake synchronicity around you all the time. THEY are capable of brainwashing
your mind and your nervous system till the point of panic, THEY are
capable of hitting your brain with mathematical similarities that bring
distortions, and THEY are capable of artificially producing this "mobbing"
or "bullying" over you using not only their acts but also their
thought reading abilities. So THEY are also responsible - as any other character around you -
for the very "problems" that they were supposed to "treat". Can you feel
the smell and see the mask of their hypocrisy here ?INDEX
8. The psychologist approach - "Debunking" true love in the world
of thought control
"He (She) needs a psychologist."
(variation) : "He (She) needs psychiatric treatment."
"Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague,
and we are the cure."
(Agent Smith brainwashing Morpheus in the movie "The Matrix")
"The ego is inherent to the human being"
(or "to the human condition")
(scientific variation that appeared afterwards) :
"Badness is genetic"
a) "You have to accept the reality of the world as it is, and conform
yourself to what society expects you to be"
b) "You have problems that were created by your
mother and by your father
when you were a child"
c) "You have a personality that says who you are and that can hardly
be changed."
d) "You are your shell. You are your identity.
You have a life with this shell and this identity that has a continuity
in the world."
(variation) "You have a personal history and a biography that cannot be
(variation) "You have to live your age."
(dialogue between Truman Burbank and his beloved one - Sylvia -
on the beach, in the movie "The Truman Show") :
(Sylvia) - "We've so little time. They can be here in a minute. (...)
Truman, listen to me ! (...) Everybody knows everything about you.
They'all pretending, Truman. Do you understand ? Everybody is pretending."
(Truman) - "Lauren !"
(Sylvia) - "No, no. My name is not Lauren. It's Sylvia. My name is Sylvia."
(Truman) - "Sylvia ?"
(man in the car approaching the couple) - "Lauren, sweetheart. Not again."
(Truman) - "Hey, wait a minute. Who are you ?"
(man) - "I'm her father."
(Truman) - "What ? We aren't doing anything."
(Sylvia) - "I've never seen him before. It's a lie, Truman, please.
Everything I told you is the truth. It's fake, it's all for you."
(Truman) - "I don't understand."
(man) - "Please, honey. (...) She'll be all right."
(Sylvia) - "Please, don't listen to him. He's gonna lie to you."
(Truman) - "What's going on ? I'd really like to know."
(man) - "Schizophrenia. We tried everything : hypnosis,
everything. Shock therapy. It's all right. You're not the
first. She brings all her boyfriends here. We're moving to
(Truman) - "Fiji ?"
"The schizophrenic influencing machine is a machine of mystical nature.
(...) The main effects of the influencing machine are the following : (...)
It produces, as well as removes, thoughts and feelings by means of waves
or rays or mysterious forces which the patients' knowledge of physics is
inadequate to explain. In such cases, the machine is often called a
'suggestion apparatus'. Its construction cannot be explained, but its
function consists in the transmission or 'draining off' of thoughts and
feelings by one or several persecutors."