(Updated on October 14th, 2000) This chapter is directed to the vampirism of older male
vampires towards teen girls. Due to the fact that girls mature
earlier than boys and that neutral girls in general used to date
older boys and vice-versa, the teen-rooted vampirism is almost
exclusively a male phenomenon. However, it is not impossible to find the
opposite case : the vampirism of older female vampires towards
teen boys. If this is your case, just replace the words 'girl' by 'boy',
'man' by 'woman', 'he' by 'she', etc., in the text below. (Added on September 17th, 2000) Since the last decades of the nineteenth century and during the first
decades of the twentieth century, foreigners from BOTH SIDES
started infiltrating themselves in the Stage World, carefully placing
certain ideas among neutral people and influencing society values in
such a way that they could later speculate over linguistic prisoners'
brains using the "going back home" idea. In a parallel maneuver, THEY introduced their sick second-meaning
"vocabulary", placing some of their characters in positions of fame and
exposure in terms of media, so as these characters could use these same
keywords to speculate over linguistic prisoners' minds. They have assumed that nobody could survive indefinitely this
speculation, so that soon or later this prisoner would either pass
through the "auric death" phenomenon (and then make a choice between
one of the two sides) or activate pacifically his/her crystal,
through meditation, the assimilation of false dichotomies and normally the
use of antagonistic elements involving lizards or dogs from
the OTHER SIDE. They couldn't predict, however, that the hurricane would assume
the proportion that it assumed, in global scale. Things have changed a lot
after the hurricane. Things have became more "artificial flavored"
since then. And you have now an entire generation of thirty-some PANS,
survivors of the hurricane, who in great majority won't die,
aurically speaking, resisting alive and well till the arrival of the
GLOBAL D-DAY. So depending on your case, THEY have first blocked some of your chakras
deliberately when you were a child and/or an adolescent (OUR SIDE), or have
abused you as horses (OTHER SIDE). Then your life continues till
many years later you get caught into THEIR linguistic prison, which includes
the "going back home" disease as one of its capital points. And
to "motivate" you a little more, their doubletalk creates vampirism...
The "going back home" idea means that you are induced to do now what THEY
have deliberately impeded you from doing in the past. Well, this sounds
very cruel and because of that you can lose energy. The point is : if you
were an ordinary person, it would really have been very cruel. But you're not.
If you have had your chakras blocked, it means that you're a PAN, and
that you have functioned as a
hurricane catalyzer. The idea of blocking chakras to catapult spiritual evolution is
not new. One who had some of his chakras blocked during his
and/or adolescence is compelled by his own heart to go further in
the path of knowledge. This is an esoteric truth that has been applied
over the centuries by more spiritualized forces (a.k.a. "masters") on their
pupils (a.k.a. "disciples"). [ COMMENTS FROM WEBMASTER 'ZERO LEFT' : Observe that
Plato - the greek philosopher - mentioned this subject more than two
thousand years ago within his text "Allegory of the Cave",
item "#519a-e" :
So nothing would be more fair and just than THEY now arrange for your
chakras to be unblocked. Remember : THEY are not sadistic monsters.
In the case of this teen-rooted vampirism, society values were
purposely manipulated by the OTHER SIDE. In the beginning of
the twentieth century, our grandmas used to get married at the age of 14 or
15, and this was considered to be very natural. During the first decades of
the twentieth century, however, the OTHER SIDE induced dichotomies over
neutral minds regarding this subject (among many other issues). Some of their characters in position of authority in the Stage World have
consistently described reality for neutrals minds, associating the
relationship between an adolescent (under 18) and an adult (over 18) with
the idea of "taboo", "prohibition", "wrongdoing", "sin", etc.. Lewis Carroll, who in 1865 wrote "Alice in Wonderland" was later on
labeled a "pedophile" in an attempt to disqualify his work. Notice that
he was also a mathematician and that "Alice in Wonderland" is one of
the sources for the screenplay of the movie "The Matrix".
And Vladimir Nabokov, who in 1955 wrote "Lolita" was execrated and had
his book censored in many countries. "Curiously" many movies that deal with the question of manipulated
realities approach this subject, generally in distorted ways. In
"X Files - The Movie", you have a writer passing classified
to Fox Mulder who was accused by the FBI of promoting pedophilia in the
Internet. Realize that the archetype of "writer" coincides with anyone
trying to free his or herself from this linguistic prison, once you can't
leave this prison without writing your notes and dissecting their speculation.
In "Devil's Advocate", the character played by Keanu Reeves
(who "coincidentally" made "The Matrix" afterwards),
manipulated by his father - the Devil, worked as a defender for a
math teacher accused of having raped and killed several little girls.
Notice that the archetype of "mathematician" (or "math teacher") is a
synonym for keyword "hacker",
meaning a survivor who has freed him/herself from their linguistic
brainwashing... Remember that THEY use to distort everything and to invert values. So
the same way THEY call a "terrorist" or "cuban" a
survivor who is determined to free him/herself from their linguistic
brainwashing, the same way THEY call a "naked person" someone who
is sincere and does not use a hypocritical mask in the Stage World like their
characters, THEY also call a "pedophile" or a
"sexual perverted" a survivor who has his/her vampirism
directed towards teens. It would be like calling an ordinary runner a "fugitive", or a typical
urologist a "gay", or an average salesman a "drug dealer", or an astronomer a
"voyeur", or an ally "an accomplice", or yet considering a
foreign Intervention of OUR SIDE as "the second coming of the Messiah"
or else as "an evil threat to the fate of mankind". Notice that they always
presume the evil or illusions connected to the so-called "ego". One who has dichotomies in his or her mind generally tends to describe
reality using his or her own parameters, patterns and values. It's like the
old Indians calling an airplane "an eagle", or calling a man with a lighter
"a magician". It's something beyond their understanding. However, you must never forget that in this post-hurricane period,
THEY are all pretending around you, THEY are all characters just like in the
movie "The Truman Show" and the majority of them don't really believe
in the dichotomies they pretend to believe. So if you have this type of vampirism, don't worry.
Vampirism is NOT a desire, nor a sexual orientation. It's just and
only an illusion based on mathematical similarities and years of doubletalk
and thought control. THEY manipulate passions from your past,
as well as traumas generated by horse movements perpetrated by the
OTHER SIDE (which by the way are also based on the association of ideas and
artificial synchronicity). Everything is counterfeit nowadays. Everyone of their characters has
their crystals activated, and obviously this includes teen girls, the
very ones that produce vampirism for your brain. It means that every
one of them has access to the Backstage reality, has travelled in THEIR
helicopters, speaks the language of the foreigners, and so on.
(Updated on October 14 th, 2000) Life is so simple. You can do whatever you want to do in the Stage World,
since you do it with Love. The most difficult part is believing that you
can do it, is convincing your brain that you're really the only owner and
master of your destiny, and that what your beloved one is telling you inside
your heart is only the raw and naked truth, even when it sounds "illogical"
or unbelievable. Remember : foreigners are not governed by the laws of the
Stage World. Foreigners are not governed by Judeo-Christian
concepts, either. They do not think in terms of dichotomies. Your beloved
one is a foreigner. So now you must abandon what your brain has been
told since the day you were physically born in the Stage World. Forget about
what you have learned. Erase it from your memory. Let it all go. You don't have time to be "rational" anymore. Forget Stage World concepts
and deconstruct false dichotomies. You have the power to change your life,
if you want, with your will, and your thoughts, and most of all with your
heart. Don't trust your brain, because it is vulnerable to THEIR
brainwashing and THEIR mathematical Nazism. Trust yourself.
Trust your heart. Rene Descartes, French thinker and mathematician, used to say many
centuries ago :
Well, it's time to get real. For a survivor of the
hurricane, for a linguistic prisoner, the correct sentence
in this case would be :
Realize that you don't have time to think at all in this zoo, in this
circus, in this reality prison, in this 'Matrix'. Just abandon your
brain. Whenever it's necessary, visualize you're putting a brain (yours) in
the trashcan. If you prefer, replace a brain by an open walnut (which looks
like a brain) or instead use the image of those Martian characters in the
movie "Mars attacks" (with their huge, big-brain heads). Put them
in the trashcan, too. And a corresponding archetype to mentalize would be :
"BRAIN IN THE GARBAGE". Now you're going to have to transcend Descartes and his rationalism.
Now you can say :
Now before we proceed to the practical examples, take a look first at
these additional passages from the book "Journey to Ixtlan", by
Carlos Castaneda, chapter "Not-Doing".
For the purposes of this text, thinking about what they want you to think
through THEIR speculation, dichotomizing reality and believing in the
existence of an "ego" is doing; and mentalizing your archetypes to
label and classify THEIR speculation is not-doing. In other words,
being illuded by their "shadows" is doing and seeing its
illusion is not-doing. Notice that "shadows" here is simply the
second-meaning of their sick keywords.
[COMMENTS FROM WEBMASTER 'ZERO LEFT' : It is also interesting to observe that
Plato - the greek philosopher - has also used the word "shadows" to refer
to this linguistic prison, in his text
"Allegory of the Cave".]
And finally, considering what THEY say about your life through their
doubletalk as being true is doing; and believing that what your
beloved one says to you inside your heart is the only raw and naked truth,
and trusting in his or her voice is not-doing. Now in order to deconstruct these impediments in your brain, you must
use all your strength and stop doing. So in this case of teen-rooted
vampirism, if your beloved one is present in your routine using a
shell that is capable of reducing and/or eliminating your vampirism,
what you must do is to believe in her voice within your heart, blindly if
necessary, and disconsider THEIRS. What she says inside your heart -
whatever it is - is going to happen. Do never forget : as a
foreigner, your eternal wife does not use the Stage World logic. Let's then dissect the possible alleged "impediments" for this
relationship in the Stage World between a thirty-some man and an adolescent
girl, that they can try to create in your mind using their sick sentences
and/or nightly dreams. So let's take a look now on which types of sentences
THEIR characters may use to speculate over your brain. Here lies an inversion of values. To love is to share, never to "take".
Your eternal wife adores you, and you adore her. There is not and there
will never be
"advantage" in the heart, or in feeling true love. Love is all, and cannot
be divided into slices like a pizza. Love has nothing to do with the
illusion of sex, and neither with the performances of characters in a stage
society. Your beloved wife is a foreigner. Do you really think someone
capable of easily levitating in your bedroom at night and having a so-called
"paranormal power" highly developed is going to kind of "emotionally harm"
herself by having a relationship with you ? Come on. It's time to wake up.
And even in the case the girl is NOT your beloved one, who would be in
reality in the position of 'advantage' and who would be the 'innocent'
part here, especially if you're a virgin PAN ? Remember : you're a
survivor of the hurricane and she is a teen girl with an
activated crystal. She is a character in a Stage World. She is in
permanent contact with the Operation Center(s) dealing with your case.
She has had access to the Backstage reality, to the advanced technology of
foreigners, to their helicopters, to the Holodecks,
to automatic transportation, to their Earth-based main satellite,
and possibly to the original shapes of the foreigners. She is also acting together with them like a bee. She is also speculating over your brain
using their second-meaning keywords. She also wants you to take your aura
to the altar of sacrifices and make your auric payment. She is
also a phantom for you. Is that what you want, to have a relationship with
a phantom ? Ask yourself. The word 'advantage' brings the distortion of "ego". There is no "ego"
of any sort, kind or type. It's an illusion that comes from the mouth of
THEIR characters, and from false dichotomies present in your perception
field. Mentalize : "PRESUMED EGO THEORY". Well, if she is your eternal wife, it means that she is a
foreigner... And if she is a foreigner, it means that she was
not born in this Stage World. So after converting the calendars, you may
say that in reality she must be at least over 40 or 50 years of age, for
example (which means not too much for THEIR patterns). So she is the
older part here, and you're the younger. Never mind if her birth certificate
in the Stage World shows "14" - it is fake... YOU KNOW. Mentalize : "SHE IS OLDER THAN YOU". Well, being a foreigner, she knows much more than her teachers...
(unless one of them is a foreigner too). She could give them lessons
on virtually anything, from advanced skills in martial arts to the principles
of automatic transportation,
from the history of a parallel Earth to the elasticity of the matter,
from anti-gravity magnetic fields to human cloning. In a world of manipulated realities, appearances are deceptive. She has
the shell that is necessary to reduce and/or eliminate your vampirism,
and you're in love with each other. Always remember : Love is the rule of
the Backstage. Their characters in the Stage World always respect
this rule, especially in the case of survivors. They really do not give a penny for what you do with your life. Not one
of them. They all operate under the command of the
Operation Center(s) dealing with your case. Never forget this. Realize that you can create reality with your Love, with the
pureness of your heart. Well, at least the reality of your life in the
Stage World. You only have to believe hard enough. Trust in her voice
within your heart. If you're a PAN, use your PAN side.
Use your sixth sense. Well, why not ? Aren't you in love with each other ? Are you concerned
about what their characters will
think of you ? First of all, if you're a PAN in your thirties,
you probably look younger. You're 35, for instance, but you look 25, or 27,
for example. And she is 14 but her shell is considered to be "very cute".
Her character is interested in older men. So the maximum you can imagine in terms of reaction from the other people
would be a little gossip among the characters of the other girls :
"Wow, what a boyfriend she has. I wish I had one like him. Look, he is
handsome. And he looks cool". Their characters usually pretend dichotomies in the Stage World, but at
the same time they'll always treat you as a survivor of the
hurricane, at least till you have your crystal activated or
till the GLOBAL D-DAY comes. Everything they say is calculated for you to hear. So if one of
their characters, which happens to have a "conservative" character guideline
(or perhaps that is a genuine stick-in-the-mud), once in a blue moon tries to openly
criticize or "question" your relationship with her using the
first meaning of the words, then this character is only playing with
you. Don't take him/her seriously. Notice that neutral people had a tendency of externating their own
complexes, prejudices and traumas over other people. Nowadays, after the
hurricane, some of their characters may follow this pattern as well.
So if this person is a stranger for both of you, then you can simply ignore
it. And if he/she is someone that one of you knows, then you can either
ignore it or just say that you're in love with each other. Well, first of all her parents are also foreigners. In THEIR
place(s) of origin, families are not possessive with their sons and
daughters. For their culture, all the civilization is a big family and
blood ties are not considered. They are all brothers and sisters living in
harmony with each other. The only relationship that counts is that of true
love between a couple. Do you really think they are "concerned" about
their daughter in the Stage World ? You bet they're not. And their characters always adapt their behaviors to fit the necessities
of Love, especially in the case of survivors. After all, the rule of
the Backstage is Love. Their characters are governed by this rule. Realize that they are not sadistic monsters. You were transformed into
a hurricane catalyzer.
They are responsible for blocking your chakras in the past and for creating
your sensation of vampirism through their doubletalk in the present.
That's how spiritual evolution occurs, at least for some PANS and
also in some other cases. So as long as you deconstruct dichotomies with Love in your heart,
they will never impede you from doing anything in the Stage World. On the
contrary, they will provide you with all the necessary elements to reduce
and eventually eliminate your vampirism, and this may perfectly
include a specific shell that can be used by your beloved foreign
wife. You can also consider that if a certain shell of your beloved wife
appears around you in your routine, then it means that that character was
previously calculated and approved to possibly date, live together and even
marry you in the Stage World. So you only have to literally follow here that motto so popular in
stickers and pins : Well, that's not true. She is a foreigner, and her character is
not "pampered" or "spoiled". Realize that her characters are chosen
specifically for your case. They are not there "by chance". So if she
is using the shell of a young teen girl which is considered to be "very cute",
and if she says this shell is going to date you in the Stage World, that
means that she is not pampered and that she is mature enough. Her character will be mature for her age, otherwise she wouldn't
be there for you. As a matter of fact, she is veeeery mature for her age.
She could improvise an essay of quantum physics, microbiology or about the
interpenetration of the bodies in the molecular level, for instance, in the
middle of the street, if she wanted so. The fact that a good part of her friends are her age or a little older
is very natural and it is a result of the opportunities her
character has within her present routine. And this happens with any other
social attributes like race, social class, nationality, job, preferences in
the Stage World, the so-called "personality", religion, activities in the
Stage World, and so on. You may mentalize : "AGE VERSUS OPPORTUNITY". Social groups are formed by the similarity of attributes in the Stage
World. By looking for what looks like themselves, people in general enhance
dichotomies within their brains and feed the illusion of "ego".
And by learning to love what is different from them, they deconstruct their
own prejudices, stereotypes, bias, foregone conclusions, divisions of reality,
etc., and realize that every human being is unique and has the same
importance than any other human being in the entire Universe. If you believe that true love is found by looking into the similarities of
attributes in the Stage World, then you should look for a matrimonial
counseling in a specialized company. The computer will find someone that
fits perfectly your attributes... On the other side, if you believe that all these attributes are just the
attributes of characters in a Stage World that can be easily changed whenever
necessary; if you believe that the true love in a couple cannot be limited by
mathematical similarities between their attributes in the Stage World;
if you believe that being in love is something undescribable and
unmathematizeable that you can feel just by looking to your partner;
if you believe that shells are just modeling clays; if you believe that
neither you nor your beloved one are your present identities in the
Stage World nor your present shells; then, in this case, you shouldn't visit
such a company, 'cause there you won't find your love. Ah, you bet you
won't. And by the way, have you ever bought a bunch of happiness in the grocery ?
Well, every element that doesn't correspond to the majority of occurrences
in a certain area or group can be considered "out of the patterns". A left-handed individual is "out of the patterns", as well as a man having
long hair, or using earrings. Or a person being vegetarian. Or depending
on the habits in your region or country, somebody riding a motorcycle.
Or someone practicing the so-called extreme sports (e.g. paragliding, surfing,
climbing, snowboarding, bungee jumping, skydiving, windsurfing, canoeing,
etc.). Or someone obese. Or having a tattoo. Or combining a suit with
sneakers, for instance. Or making an appointment with an astrologer.
Or a student that is considered a "nerd" because
studies too much. Not to mention "very out of the patterns" individuals,
like a punk with green hair, piercings and bracelets, for instance. To sum up everything, you can say that half the humanity is "out of the
patterns" one way or another. On another level of perception, you can also say that any survivor
of the hurricane is "out of the patterns". Remember : the "pattern"
here would be the masochist premise (suffer to be happy), the
"auric payment" and Santa Claus waiting for you with lots of gifts
and rewards... Ho-ho-ho ! Are you going to follow this pattern ? Who defines reality for you ? You or THEM ? Are you cattle ?
Are you concerned about what their characters will think of you ? Do you
really think they are concerned about what YOU will think of them when they
are "out of the patterns" ? Do you really think they care about you in the
Stage World ? They don't give a cent for you in the Stage World. And finally, just being a PAN would be "out of pattern" as well.
And also being a foreigner... So, regarding your vampirism, do you want to be happy, or do you
want to follow the "patterns" ? Ask yourself. It must be emphasized again : you are the only master and the only
owner of your own destiny. Your life and your wife's are not of their
business. You owe them no satisfaction whatsoever about your life in the
Stage World. You're in love with each other, period. And now after this hurricane, everyone of them is just a character.
They have their crystals activated and they read your mind all the
time. The majority of them read your aura as well. They know about the
pureness of your heart and of your love, and they respect it very much.
They really don't give a cent for what you do in the Stage World,
provided that you do it with Love. Well, THEY are foreigners in a Stage World. They fake identities
and birth certificates all the time. They fake documents in general,
passports, visas, and credit cards if necessary. They don't have the values
of the Stage World and neither the illusion of the so-called "ego". During the second half of the twentieth
century - mainly during and right after the hurricane, over a hundred
and fifty million alligators or lizards (and dogs) from
the OTHER SIDE have been neutralized - that is, killed - by the
agents of OUR SIDE (not only foreigners). These agents may perfectly
include some of the characters that live around you in the Stage World,
perhaps your neighbors or your relatives, for instance. Millions and millions of dogs from the OTHER SIDE were cloned
after being neutralized and their characters operate today in the
Stage World as if nothing has happened. You were not given any military mission to engage in this War and
in these neutralizations because you don't have access to the
Backstage yet and neither an activated crystal. But you were part of the whole War scheme anyway. As a matter of fact,
a key part, I would say. Some of your chakras have been blocked
not only for spiritual purposes but also for military reasons, and you were
transformed into a
hurricane catalyzer. Many neutral lives were saved thanks to
this fact. Do you see how ridiculous they can be sometimes ? The sentence says what
it says : he is breaking the law, not you. He must be a
criminal, not you. Since when is true love a crime ? Do never forget this : they are foreigners, they operate in the
Stage World under the rules of the Backstage. The rule of the
Backstage is Love. So no matter what are the specific tonal legislation presently
valid in your country, state/province, county or region, no matter what are
the cultural or religious values of your area, you'll not be arrested on the
grounds of your relationship with your beloved foreign wife, no matter
which shell she is using, once this relationship is based on true love. No matter how adverse are the conditions, even before the passage of the
hurricane through your city, even under a repressive government or a
dictatorship in the Stage World, even under the Nazi Germany during World
War II, THEY will always adapt their behavior and control the elements of
your life in the Stage World to fit your necessities of Love, performing a
variety of actions to provide you with all you need. For foreigners of OUR SIDE, Love governs the movements of their
characters in the Stage World. Love can remove mountains out of the way.
Love opens all the doors of their characters. All the performances of their
characters have been adapted to your feelings, to your heart, to your Love
for your eternal wife since the beginning of your linguistic prison many
years ago. Of course now after the hurricane things have became easier.
Everybody around you is a character just like in the movie
"The Truman Show". All their performances are orchestrated to
manipulate your mind and to clone your feelings, words, thoughts or actions.
You only have to believe and trust in the voice of your beloved one
inside your heart, and not consider at all what their characters are saying
in their sad carnival of illusory sentences. It's as simple as that.
Confidence is the key. Now read again a passage from a previous paragraph in this text,
section "Going back home" versus "vampirism", third paragraph. It
says there : "what is important to say here is that there is no impediment
whatsoever for you to do anything, provided that they don't use it later
against you". It's true, but obviously this last part doesn't apply to your beloved
wife, but only to the other girls. Realize that your beloved wife will
NEVER, EVER, use your love against you. She is also in love
with you, and she is a foreigner. Whatever happens to you, happens
to her too. In other words, if you engage in a relationship with a young teen girl
different from your beloved one (another girl), their characters - including
the girl, who is also a character - can manipulate everything to set a trap
for you in the Stage World. The girl can blackmail you if you don't do what
she wants, for example. Or their characters can speculate using a variety of
hypotheses, including her pregnancy or you getting AIDS, for instance.
Don't forget that THEY are capable of artificially producing this type of
reality in the Stage World. All this just to take energy from you and force
you to do your auric payment. On the other hand, if the girl is your beloved wife, there's nothing they
can do against you, but sit down and watch. Their hands are tied by your
true love. Your foreign eternal wife is not one of their
speculators, she is and will always be on your side. Remember : reality
is just a description, and it's up to you and her to describe reality in the
Stage World. And by the way, she'll never become pregnant "by chance". It's always
something combined and previously calculated. The entrance of a new spirit
in her body is something very special and carefully observed by OUR SIDE's
foreigners. Your aura is prepared, as well as hers. In the moment
of conception, your auric fusion with her will generate waves of
pure energy and true love. And when she gives birth to the baby, isn't
it good ? It's your son or daughter with her. Well, here lies another distortion. The OTHER SIDE has nothing to do with
your life. They have no authority to interfere with your life or your wife's
in the Stage World. Can you imagine yourself directly interfering with the
personal life of a lizard character in the Stage World ? What do
you think this creature would try to do with you ? Is it clear to you that
it would be a question of killing or be killed ? It would be the war. So why on Earth this creature would have the right to interfere with
your personal life in the Stage World ? Of course it doesn't have this
right. And once you are probably not able to handle foreign weapons in
the Stage World yet, this part you can leave with OUR SIDE's
foreigners. The only thing the characters of the OTHER SIDE could do would be to
manipulate dichotomies in the minds of neutral people and try to turn
these neutrals against you. This was before the hurricane and
can no longer happen in this post-hurricane period. Now the OTHER SIDE is dispersed and reduced to small foci of resistance,
while there are no neutrals anymore in your area. Roughly speaking,
they are present basically in areas in the interior of China, in the
interior of India, and in some African countries. We won the war. But even before the hurricane, even when the OTHER SIDE managed
to turn neutrals against linguistic prisoners, everything
could still be manipulated by the characters of OUR SIDE to adapt the
situation to your necessities. It was only more complicated, but not
impossible. Well, this is not a problem. Instead, it could be the solution to your
vampirism. But of course she will dose everything in order to avoid
the excesses or tiredness. And using her so-called "paranormal powers", she
can control your kundalini up and down whenever it's necessary. First of all, theme parks like Disneyland, Disneyworld or Epcot Center
are not only for children, but for people of all ages, including teenagers,
youngsters, adults, the middle-aged and the elder people, perhaps a good
place to date any of the shells of your foreign eternal wife,
including the apparent older ones. They are trying here to undervalue her reality for your brain,
associating her image with well-known stratified compartments in the
Stage World, like those regularly connected to the childhood or infancy :
parks like Disneyland (or Parc Asterix, in France), certain types of
cartoon, toys, dolls and teddy bears. Well, although it's not probable,
depending on her character's "personality" (part of her character guideline
created in their Operation Center), her character may enjoy watching
cartoon movies like "Alladin" or "Tarzan", for instance,
the same way a legion of adult fans does (maybe including you !). The same applies to teddy bears
and the like, for example, which can perfectly be found in the bedroom of
a 33-year old woman. Adult women sometimes buy them just to decorate her
houses the same way adult men can wear a Mickey Mouse baseball cap in the
stadium. Welcome to the world of merchandising. Second, she is not a child. She is a foreign teenager in a
Stage World. A veeeery mature one, by the way, as seen above on
item "f". Her character has a script to
operate in the Stage World under the rules (and technology) of the Backstage.
She has her crystal activated and the ability to change shells in less
than thirty seconds, among dozens of other foreign skills. YOU KNOW.
And depending on her character, she may have her own credit cards and
cell phone, for instance, as well as her passport and bank account. She may
have disembarrassment and familiarity with some older friends (adult persons).
As a foreigner, she is older than you, as seen above as well
(see item "b"). Her character ovulates and menstruates as any other girl of her age,
being able to become pregnant if you and her decide it's the right moment
to receive a new spirit inside her body. Remember : she never
becomes pregnant "by chance", as seen
above. (Added on October 14 th, 2000) A variation of these alleged "impediments" regarding this teen-rooted
vampirism is what you may call the "Prohibition Premise Inducement"
(or "Wrongdoing Inducement"), a kind of speculation in which they not only
assume the existence of the impediment, but also try to inculcate
subliminally in your brain the idea of something wrong or of something
forbidden that must be done secretly, in a hidden way. Remember that they use to attach ego-based explanations to everything and
always presume evil instead of love. For them, True Love doesn't exist,
unless as something that they can analyze, measure, weigh, express in words,
or define as a result of similarities between attributes. This is not True
Love. True love is something that exists from spirit to spirit, from
heart to heart, no matter how far you go in changing the attributes of your
shell or of your character. So let's continue the list of false "impediments" with some more examples
focusing this type of variation. You're not dating your beloved one in a teen shell yet, but you're
thinking of it, and you didn't ask for a "discreet" maid. You've just asked
for a maid. But as one of THEM she reads your thoughts all the time and
wants to inculcate in your mind the sensation of fear and wrongdoing.
So she artificially forces the context to include the word "discreet" in her
sentence. Twice. You're not intending to "hide" anything, as you're not doing anything
wrong. You just wanna date normally your beloved one and, if this is the
case, to live together with her in your house, or elsewhere. You're willing
even to officially marry her in a church, synagogue or temple, or
depending on your local legislation in a civil ceremony in the registry. You're in love with your beloved one, she is a foreigner, you want
her for the rest of your lives and she is willing to wear a shell in the
Matrix reality that is capable of treating and eliminating your illusion of
vampirism that was created by the doubletalk and
artificial synchronicity of their very characters. You and your
beloved wife are the only masters and owners of your own destinies and
your marriage is none of their business. It's up to you and her to define
reality. Remember : the rule of the Backstage is Love. THEY want to control your life. THEY want to control your thoughts and
manipulate your brain like a puppet. If you really want her, you must open
your heart to the arrival of your beloved wife and trust her eyes.
She adores you, and vice-versa. They are associating in your mind this teen shell of your beloved one
with the archetype of "sister", instead of wife. And they're also
launching a trial balloon saying subliminally to your brain :
"what if you pretend that your beloved one is in reality your sister in
the Stage society ? Nobody will say anything and the appearances will be
saved." Again they're hammering into your brain the distorted premise that you
have something to hide, something "forbidden" and "prohibited". The fact is
that if you're willing to date and/or live together with your beloved
foreign wife wearing the shell of a 14-year old character in the
Stage World, for instance, you know you are doing nothing "wrong", there are
no "appearances" to be saved, and you must assume - as always -
full responsibility for your acts. If you acted without assuming responsibility, THEIR characters could
brainwash you to the illusory point of auric death. They can
manipulate and exaggerate any micro-particle of doubt or disbelief in your
mind. In the world of thought control,
there is no space for doubt, anger or self-pity.
You define reality together with your beloved one. She is on your side,
and she NEVER, EVER, judges you or your thoughts. All you have to do is
believe in her eyes, believe in her voice, and abandon your brain. So if this is the type of your vampirism, just follow you heart.
Don't be afraid of happiness. And remember : that's not only your happiness,
but also hers. Do you want to follow your heart or do you want to follow
your brain ? Ask yourself. You're not dating the teen shell of your beloved one yet, but they read
your thoughts so they speculate in advance. Here they are launching another
trial balloon, and at the same time manipulating what you may call the
'Presumed Ego Theory', which enunciates in this case that the
characters of her foreign parents need something "egoic" to pretend in
order to allow you to live together with their adolescent daughter. The trial balloon here says : "What if she is the daughter of one of
our clients ?". They are saying subliminally to your brain something like
: "If you date her character, her father will only allow you to live
together with her in the Stage World if he can justify the 'liberality' or
'tolerance' of his character by taking 'personal advantage' somehow.
That is, in the case of this hypothesis, having a close relationship with the
character of your father, which would increase the profits of his firm in the
Stage World". Well, again THEY are defining reality for your brain. And again I shall
ask you : who defines reality for you ? You or THEM ? Are you cattle ? You're the only master and owner of your own destiny. The same you can
say of your beloved one. So it's up to you and her to define the reality of
the couple in the Stage World. If she appears around you in your routine
using the kundalinic shell of an adolescent girl that is capable of
eliminating your
illusion of vampirism, and if she says inside your heart
repeatedly that the character of this shell can live together with you
in the Stage World, that's because it's true. Her parents are foreign characters like her and are
accustomed to the idea of playing the role that is necessary to play in
each moment. Nothing happens "by chance" around you. It means that
if this specific shell of hers has appeared in your routine, then her
character has been previously studied in details, picked among others
and approved by your beloved one, because it is the more recommended
and strategic choice. It means that her parents won't impede her from going live with you.
Perhaps they are "liberal" parents, just like hundreds of millions of other
parents all over the Stage World. Perhaps they'll like you. No matter how,
they won't put obstacles, as they respect true love very much. Do never forget : Love is the rule of the Backstage. This rule governs the
movements of their characters in the Stage World. All the doors are open
for those who feel true love. Mentalize : "LOVE CREATES REALITY". Remember : she says the truth, THEIR characters lie.
You don't need to understand her foreign procedures at all.
This may sound a little authoritarian to some of you, but the fact is that
your brain is vulnerable to their speculation. So whenever there is
logical understanding, there is vulnerability, because the
speed of their language is hundreds of times faster than that of
your thoughts. It's a mathematical Nazism, based on forced similarities and
on the manipulation of memory. Use your PAN side. Believe in her eyes, in her open aura, in her
passionate open aura, and don't try to understand the movements of her
character(s) in the Stage World. She really adores you. Put your brain
in the trashcan. Mentalize : "BRAIN IN THE GARBAGE". You must surrender
yourself completely to her heart. Don't question it, don't rationalize it,
don't dichotomize it. Just surrender. Mentalize : "I'M YOURS"
(or "I'M HERS"). Here they are trying to turn your thoughts against you. Your beloved wife
appears in your routine wearing a 14-year old kundalinic shell and says that
that shell is going to approach you in order to treat your vampirism.
So they launch another trial balloon : "if the goal of dating or living
together with this specific shell is only treating your 'vampirism', then
what if she looks 14 but in reality is 17 ?". They are saying subliminally to your brain : "you can't date a girl
that looks 14, because it's 'wrong' and 'forbidden', unless she is not really
14, but older. So if she is 17, but looks 14, then - only then - we will
allow you to date her, because we are the ones who govern the reality of your
life. You only have to do your part, which is agreeing and obeying". Your brain is hit by a mathematical similarity (to look 14) between that
shell of your beloved one and the person their characters are allegedly
talking about. They are also trying to plant in your brain the seed of doubt regarding
what your beloved one says to you inside your heart. Your beloved one has
already said to you that that girl is 14, so this is a useless trial balloon,
albeit a malicious and insinuating one. They are compelling your brain to
fantasize over hypotheses that don't correspond to the truth. Notice that no matter what your beloved one says to you inside your heart,
they will try everything they can to deviate your brain from her affirmations,
attempting to put theirs in the place of hers. They are trying to describe
the reality of the couple for your brain. They are trying to control your
life and rule your destiny. So here who defines reality for your brain :
your eternal beloved wife or THEM ? Ask yourself.
(Added on September 17th, 2000)
In order to strenghten the energetic value of their speculation over your
mind, and thus taking more energy from you, THEY may use elements that are
present in your perception field, perhaps having a mathematical similarity
with you, and compare these elements with you in a distorted way within
their speculative sentences. These elements they call "mirrors" or "looking-glasses", meaning
"someone or something that
has (or is) what you don't have (or are not) but that you want or need to
have (or to be)". This label presumes the existence of the illusion of "ego"
and also may induce you to think that you believe in the society values. Do you believe that to love is to "have", or do you believe that to love
is to share ? Do you believe in the Stage World society values, like sex,
money, fame, success, etc. ? Do you value shells, or do you believe that
shells are just modeling clays ? Do you believe that their characters really
believe in the performances they execute in the Stage World ? Do you
believe their characters value shells or have any other Stage World values ?
So in this case of teen-rooted vampirism, THEY may create elements
to speculate over your mind, describing reality saying that that person that
is being used as a false "mirror" doesn't have an impediment because of his
particular condition in the Stage World, but you have an impediment because
this condition doesn't apply to you. One example of this is using artists to speculate over you, so that one
of their characters who is a famous singer in your region,
for instance, who is 33, and who happens to be a PAN (mathematical
similarity with your case), is dating a 14-year old foreign girl
who is a model in the Stage World. And all the tabloids and gossip magazines
cover the date naturally, not giving too much evidence to their difference
of age. At most, this fact is treated as a curiosity. Or perhaps THEY may present to your brain, for example, a famous actor in
your country who has started living together with his wife when she was 14
and he was 40. And now he is over 50 and is still married to her, now 26
and many kids with him. They describe reality for you saying subliminally something like that :
"artists are a special kind of people, they can do what other people
can't. They can have a relationship like this because they're artists but
you can't because you're an anonymous person.". Well, here we have an inversion of values. As usual in their speculation,
the truth is just the opposite : if even an artist - who is a public person,
has a "reputation" to maintain in the Stage World, a public career to follow,
and who should be an "example" to the character of his fans - can assume
this relationship in the Stage World, why not an anonymous person like you ?
The point is : do you believe these guys are doing something "wrong" ?
Ask yourself. Do you believe that these characters are really "interested" in these
girls, and vice-versa ? Will THEY be really in love ? Difficult answer.
Remember : THEY are just characters in a Stage World, THEY are all pretending
like bees around survivors' minds, and THEY like to manipulate
archetypes that fit the vampirism of linguistic prisoners.
Mentalize : "POSSIBLE PRETENDED DATE IN THE STAGE WORLD". Each one of their characters has now several years of
activated crystal and therefore is light-years ahead of the
dichotomies THEY pretend to believe in the Stage World. THEY think in a
speed hundreds of time faster than survivors, thanks to the
foreigners' language they have learned. What about the subliminal idea that is brought by the characters of
these false mirrors in the Stage World ? Do you believe that only a man who has some connection with the
artistic environment in the Stage World (that is, an actor, a musician
or singer, a writer, a poet, a sculptor, a painter, a dancer, a model,
a philosopher, a performer, etc.) or with the sports world
(e.g., an athlete, a swimmer, a tennis player, a runner, a paraglider,
a windsurfer, etc.) or yet with adventurous or "uncommon" jobs (like a
nature photographer, a taxiplane pilot, an inventor, an amateur physicist,
etc.), or finally who operates in the Stage World under the umbrella of the
alternative, oriental, esoteric or "new age" labels
(i.e., an astrologer, a radiesthesist, a practitioner of tai chi chuan,
yoga or shiatsu, a hippie, a punk, a fan of alternative movies,
an adept of the Green Party, etc.) can date and/or live together with a
14-year old female character in the Stage World ? Ask yourself. Or do you believe that a thirty-some man working in one of the
so-called "mainstream" jobs, for one of the
"mainstream" companies, "mainstream" clients, etc., can also
date and/or
live together with this girl in the Stage World, if they are in love
with each other ? Do you believe the character of your
boss in the Stage World has the right to control your personal life in this
case ? Ask yourself. And what if you were a white man dating or marrying a
black and poor woman in the Stage World, and working for a rich-men,
white-controlled company ? Would he or she has this right ? Ask yourself. Do you want to follow your heart or do you want to follow your brain ? As a reinforcement to your energetic position, you can make your own list
of "non-standardized" couples, including for instance : an interracial couple
of your relations (black man with white woman, for instance); an
international couple in your neighborhood (if you live in the U.S. or in
Italy, an italian woman with an american man, for example);
a couple where one of the parts is considered to
be "ugly" in the Stage World and the other is considered to be "cute"; an
inter-religious couple of characters (example : a protestant woman and a
jewish man); and of course couples where you see a relative or significant
difference of age between the parts (including couples involving adolescent
girls). Use your memory if necessary to include all these cases. And beware of their speculation. THEY read your thoughts all the time,
and through the "reality tracing" technique they may try to deconstruct each
one of the couples of your list, distorting each one of them and/or attaching
ego-based "explanations" to them. So amplify your list as much as you can.
Use the memories you have from your past. And re-read section II.2 above
(Dissecting the alleged impediments). One more question I leave to you : do you believe you need examples
to follow ? Remember that song :
(Added on October 05 th, 2000) Along with the techniques showed above, there's another speculative
variation regarding this teen-rooted vampirism : the occasional
prejudice (concerning this type of relationship) coming from some of their
characters in the Stage World and using the first meaning of the words.
You may want to label it ageism or simply "the age apartheid". I say "apartheid" because depending on the type of speculation, it
could be regarded as being as offensive and discriminatory to her
human condition (and therefore to yours) as was the prejudice against blacks
in the Southern U.S. states 30 years ago, or as is nowadays the prejudice
against women in general in many Islamic countries in the Stage World. One example of this is the prejudice that their characters may purposely
insert within their sentences in an attempt to take energy from you.
They could say for instance :
The Judeo-Christian subliminal premise behind the sentence above is that
an adolescent is not a human being capable of feeling true love. In other
words, he/she is an inferior being, at least spiritually. In the years that
preceded the
American Civil War in the nineteenth century, theories were elaborated to
justify slavery and enunciate the inferior condition of blacks as
human beings. They didn't have a soul. Traditional Islamism still
considers women as inferior beings. And the Jewish were considered to be
inferior by Nazi theorists and scientists... THEIR characters may try everything they can to induce your
brain to doubt the eternal love your beloved one feels for you, and this
includes manipulating Stage World stereotypes and compartments of reality.
The point is : who describes reality for you ? You or THEM ? Are you cattle ?
Are you concerned about what THEIR characters will say of you ? They
are all pretending. They really don't give a cent for you in the Stage World,
and they don't believe anymore in the dichotomies they pretend to
believe. Do you believe their characters really worry about what
YOU will say of them ? Of course not. They operate under the command
of the Operation Center(s) all together like bees. You owe them no
explanations and no satisfactions whatsoever regarding your life. Remember : your beloved wife is a foreigner. Although in
this case she is using an adolescent shell to operate in the Stage World,
YOU KNOW that that's not her real shape. Her real shape is her original
beautiful shape which for the time being cannot operate in the Stage World,
due to minor yet tangible differences in her ears, eyes and texture of the
skin. She is a spiritual being, just like you, and in spite of the
fact that she can pretend virtually anything in the Stage World, she is
really not capable of believing in Stage World concepts or of feeling
ephemeral passions or "adolescent infatuations". On the contrary, her true love for you (and yours for her) is something
that is totally undescribable and that therefore you can't reduce to words or
sentences of your own, let alone to the demented distortions of THEIR
characters. And because the sentence showed in the example above is an offensive
situation, it is a very unlikely occurrence nowadays after the
hurricane. There are no neutrals anymore around you, and their
characters respect very much your condition as a survivor and also
your true love for a foreigner. The world has changed a lot after
the hurricane. But anyway, if it occurs some day in the future, you can
either just ignore it (mentalize "CHILDISH PREJUDICE") or say something like :
"She is the woman of my life, and I'm the man of her life".
It's as simple as that. Another instance of this ageism is the prejudice itself : the criticism
of their characters in the Stage World manifested either visually (a look of
disapproval, etc.) or through low tone comments, indirect gossips or
camouflaged sentences. Neutral people had a tendency of externalizing their own
complexes, prejudices and traumas over other people. Nowadays,
after the hurricane, some of their characters may follow this pattern
as well. Their characters in general (as well as neutral people before the
hurricane) are hypocritical. In this case - a reasonable difference of
age in a couple - the tendency is that, depending on the kundalinic level of
your shell and of the shell of your beloved one, some of their characters
could have a pretext to manifest a criticism or not. In other words, if you and your beloved one are both considered to be
"cute" persons, then no one will say anything about the difference of age.
This is because their male characters will consider that "but she is so
pretty"; and their female characters will consider that "but he is so
handsome". And practically nobody would be eligible for considering the
relationship of this couple with prejudice. On the other side, if your present shell has today an average kundalinic
level while hers has a very kundalinic level, some people may potentially
criticize you. Their characters would be thinking something like :
"this guy is uglier than me, and he is dating that fox ?". It won't happen often, either, but it is possible that sometimes some of
their characters may insinuate themselves following this type of speculation.
Just don't take them seriously. Don't be afraid : all they can do is
cloning your fears, and speculate a little in the beginning. If you
have no fears, there is nothing left to be cloned (I mean, nothing
but your ordinary thoughts and the top of your memory stacks...).
An additional element that can be manipulated by their characters to take
energy from you is using little real impediments related to age limits
present in the Stage World society around you and speculating over these
little impediments, in order to diminish or undermine your reality for your
brain. For example, there are certain places and/or situations where the entrance
of her character - as an adolescent girl - may not be allowed, because she is
apparently a minor, and because the character charged with the task of
applying the tonal norms is adopting a rigid criterion, instead of
flexibilizing it in her case (I say flexibilizing it for she is very cute
and is dressed for the occasion like any other adult woman). Or vice-versa :
your entrance or participation in an event can be prohibited because your
age is above the maximum permitted for that case. Her character can be barred from entering the movie theatre for a
specific movie or the nightclub, for instance, and depending on the case you
can be impeded from going with her to a ballroom or to a party for youngsters
up to 30 (if you're over 30), for example. To sum up the concept, the couple can be separated in any activity in the
Stage World that involves the division of reality into age groups,
if this division is placed between your age and hers. The point here is : any couple can be separated in the Stage World
one way or another, whenever there is a difference between the
attributes of the persons involved : sex, job,
income level, nationality, physical condition (or
kundalinic level), professional qualifications, etc., and
- of course - also age. There are places where only men can go, or reunions reserved only for
women. And there is all a set of activities exclusive for certain jobs,
where the presence of outsiders is forbidden. International airports around the world separate persons in lines
according to their nationalities, giving preference through faster lines
to nationals of certain countries, while others have to wait three times more.
If you're for example an Egyptian (or a Russian) man married to (or dating) a
German woman and the couple is arriving in France, for instance, your
German wife (or girlfriend) will have preference above you because Germany is
a member of the European Union (along with France) while Egypt (or Russia) is
not. Many banks give special treatment to special clients : rapid lines, or
no lines at all. So if you're a woman and you and your husband have
separate accounts in a bank, and different income levels, one of you may have
to stand 40 minutes in the bigger line while the other may go straight to the
cashier. A woman whose shell is considered to be "ugly" probably cannot work as a
receptionist but perhaps her husband - who is considered to be "handsome" -
can work as a male receptionist, or as the P.R. of a club, or of a hotel,
for instance. So even when they have the same profession, if he is qualified
to work in a specific event (a summer job, for instance), she won't be,
unless she finds a different task. The character of an American man who speaks Spanish in the Stage World
can perhaps give a conference in Spanish for latin guests, while his American
wife who doesn't speak this foreign language is not eligible to this task.
So depending on his job, he may be invited to give a lecture abroad, with all
expenses paid, but she'll have to stay, unless she pays her own trip and
stays in the hotel watching CNN. The same you could say of titles or degree levels at a university, for
instance, or of any other item of one's resume. One of the parts has an
element that the other hasn't, and this difference may sometimes produce a
temporary physical separation. And if a tonal foreigner is an immigrant married to the citizen
of a country, for example, he/she probably won't be able to vote in the
local elections nor to be voted. Big deal. The examples are countless. Whenever you have a difference between
the attributes of the persons in a couple, you can put a limit and separate
the parts. It's as trivial as that. Your love is bigger than these ridicule Stage World limitations.
Do you believe that this Matrix is real ? Remember :
Your vampirism is not in your sex, job, or physical condition.
Your vampirism is not in your nationality or in your income level.
Your vampirism is not in a bank line, nor in your professional
qualifications, nor in the ballot box. And your vampirism is not in
your birth certificate, either. Your vampirism is a mathematical illusion incrusted inside
your brain, after years of doubletalk, brainwashing and thought control. Regarding age, it's not different. Any couple having a difference
of age can be separated sometimes by Stage World limitations. Car rental companies, for example, give a special discount if you're
over 25 but charge you an extra fee if you're up to 25. According to the
stats they use, younger drivers produce more accidents than older ones, so
they charge the former more than the latter. So if you're a 44-year old man
married to a 22-year old girl, your wife has to pay an extra fee to drive
the car, while you haven't. Insurance companies do the same, rating people according to their ages.
Depending on the legislation in your area and on the policy you want to buy,
if you're above a certain age, they won't even accept you as a client. Leisure activities can also be divided in age groups or categories :
sports competitions, even a meeting at your fishing association, or pocker
club. Anything. All these impediments have a obvious solution : don't go together to
places where you'll be separated, or go and try to flexibilize procedures.
So instead of focusing on these little impediments (the exceptions), try to
concentrate on all the other activities (the rule) that you can do together
with your beloved one. She can't enter the movie theatre that specific day ? Fine. Rent a video.
She can't enter the nightclub that specific day ? Big deal. Go to a party
with her character. Open your mind. Open your possibilities. If you want, make a list with
dozens of activities that both of you can do together dating in the
Stage World : travelling, camping, shopping, going to a restaurant, going to
a park, going to a sports club, skiing, riding horses, rollerskating,
attending a lecture on philosophy, going to the beach, frequenting a course
on photography, fishing, paragliding, going to a family meeting at the house
of one of her relatives, cooking, going to a barbecue, going to an
esoteric fair, going to the planetarium, going to the ice-cream shop,
going to a friend's house, surfing on the Net in a cybercafe', going to the
gym, frequenting jiu jitsu classes, or tae bo, having
origami lessons, going to a bookstore, knitting, going to a
pizzeria, going to an arts exhibition, watching TV at home, attending
her fashion display (if her character is a model in the Stage World), rafting,
studying like a "nerd", taking a bus (or the subway), attending a workshop
on quantum physics, or popular mechanics, or ufology, doing your laundry,
playing tennis, going to the stadium to watch a match, playing a strategy
game at home with friends, going to the library, going to a picnic,
playing guitar, going to the fairground, and so on. Use your imagination. The possible activities are almost
infinite. And, of course, don't forget to include making true love
with her. After all, you're in love with each other. A very deep love. Do never forget : she is a foreigner, and she doesn't
really value any of these activities in the Stage World, and neither do you.
If you're a survivor of the hurricane, you're probably a
PAN. So it doesn't matter the activity, what matters is that you're
on her side, and she is on yours. Isn't it good ? All the rest is just an illusion called "the Stage World" : it encompasses
everything that penetrates your perception field except for your beloved one.
She is real. They're not. And at least when you're in public,
she is forced to be a character in front of third persons and pretend certain
dichotomies in the Stage World. But - depending on your case - when you're
alone with her, that's another story...INDEX
5.II - The teen-rooted vampirism
(especially older male
vampires towards teen girls)
Introduction :
(...) "But what if there had been a circumcision of such natures in the days
of their youth; and they had been severed from those sensual pleasures
(...)" ]
"I think, therefore I am"
"I think, therefore I am ... a puppet, a slave,
a remote-controlled toy car, a rat in a maze, etc."
"I love, therefore I can."
"(...) (don Juan speaking to Castaneda)
Now, in order to stop the world, you must stop doing.
(...) Not-doing is only for very strong warriors.
(...) The most difficult part about the warrior's way is to realize that
the world is a feeling. When one is not-doing, one is feeling the
world, and one feels the world through its lines.
(...) Not-doing is very simple but very difficult.
(...) Look at the shadow of that boulder. The shadow is the boulder, and
yet it isn't. To observe the boulder in order to know what the boulder is,
is doing, but to observe its shadows is not-doing.
Shadows are like doors, the doors of not-doing. A man of
knowledge, for example, can tell the innermost feelings of men by watching
their shadows."
(Castaneda) "But how could feelings come out of shadows, don Juan ?"
(don Juan) "To believe that shadows are just shadows is doing. That
belief is somehow stupid. Think about it this way : there is so much more to
everything in the world that obviously there must be more to shadows too.
After all, what makes them shadows is merely our doing".
a) "He is going to take 'advantage' of her 'innocence' "
b) "She is only 14, and he is 36."
c) "She is only in grade 8"
d) "He can't date her at the entrance of the school"
(variation) : "You can't kiss each other in public"
e) "Her parents won't approve this."
(generic variation) : "This is happening often nowadays.
I'll keep an eye on my daughter."
"Don't worry. Be happy"
f) "She is not mature enough. She has to grow up first."
"She is not mature 'for him'."
(variation) : "She is too pampered.
He'll have a lot of work."
g) "A good part of her friends are her age or a little older"
(variation) : "She doesn't combine with you"
"We share common goals"
[phrase said by the former fiance of Meg Ryan in the movie "I.Q."
(mentioned above)]
h) "He is out of the patterns"
i) "What about the comments of your relations ?"
j) "He is breaking the law. He is going to be arrested."
k) "The OTHER SIDE won't allow them to have this relationship.
They'll prohibit it."
(nightly dream variation; dream inculcated by the
Operation Center within your mind)
You dream about an imaginary house with a fence outdoors having a little
hole in it, and someone whispering to you :
"Even a tiger can pass this hole".
l) "She is so cute that your kundalini will be active
day and night"
m) "He is going to Disneyland" (or "to Disneyworld")
(Added on October 05 th, 2000)
(meaning "She is only a child")
n) (Let's say you live alone. You're asking the landlady to indicate you a
new maid to clean up your house)
She says : "This maid that I'll send you is very discreet.
Don't worry because she is very discreet."
o) (nightly dreams variation using the trial balloon technique)
(dream inculcated in your brain by the Operation Center)
Let's say again you live alone and that you have a sister in the Stage World.
So you dream about your sister living together with you and arranging their
clothes in a separate bedroom. And the young teen shell of your beloved one
is also there in your dream talking to your sister in the bedroom.
(don Juan) "When a man decides to do something he must go all the
way", he said, "but he must take responsibility for what
he does. No matter what he does, he must know first why he is doing it,
and then he must proceed with his actions without having doubts or remorse
about them."
(...) "In a world where death is the hunter, my friend, there is not time
for regrets or doubts. There is only time for decisions."
(passage from "Journey to Ixtlan", by Carlos Castaneda)
p) (Let's say you work for a big company where your father in the Stage World
is one of the top executives)
So you hear one of your workmates saying to another person the sentence :
"She is young. She is the daughter of one of the owners of that
firm that took our publicity account."
q) "She looks 14, but she is 17."
"Try not to think in terms of right or wrong."
(Morpheus to Neo, in "The Matrix")
"Whether you believe you can or you can't, you're right."
(Henry Ford)
"I believe in something."
(Neo, in "The Matrix")
"All you need is Love, All you need is Love, Love is all you need"
(The Beatles)
"She is not really in love with you. She has just a crush on you.
It's only a passing, adolescent infatuation."
"You have no time for fear, doubt or disbelief."
(Morpheus to Neo, in "The Matrix")
These four concepts above are very important.