(Added on November 13 th, 2000) - Trusting is the most difficult part in the process of
creating reality, especially for rational and Western (or Westernized)
minds. This is because, since the day you were physically born in the Stage
World, your brain has been told how reality should be, and how things should
be. The point is : reality is just a description. What your brain
has been told during the time you were a neutral person many years ago
was just a particular description of reality. And what they have been
trying to inculcate into your brain since the beginning of your
linguistic prison are just and only descriptions of reality, too.
Day upon day, they have been whispering their descriptions of reality into
your ears, and in your nightly dreams. Sometimes they are antagonistic descriptions of reality, or
contradictory ones, but all these descriptions of reality that THEY
present to your mind over and over have at least two points in common :
As said
during the last 120 years or so, society values have never
been "genuine". The history of the twentieth century was totally manipulated.
These values have always been the result of the sum total of
antagonistic foreign forces disputing spaces in the Stage World.
In other words, the result of several descriptions of reality colliding
with one another : the stronger descriptions of reality prevail above the
weaker ones. In a certain way, you can apply this reasoning to the case of a
linguistic prisoner. They try all the time to define and describe
for your brain how the reality of your life should be. So now it's time
for you to define reality for your brain. It's time for you to take control
of your life. You're the only owner of your destiny. And your beloved is the only
owner of his or her destiny as well. He/She also adores you. He/She also
wants you. He/She also "deserves" you. So now it's time for you and
your beloved one to define the reality of your relationship in the
Stage World, or elsewhere. Remember : he/she is not a prisoner of his/her
character. If he/she decides to approach you in the Stage World, and says it's
going to happen, then it is going to happen. Period.
Your brain doesn't need to understand. Trusting is not in the
field of understanding. Trusting is in the field of Love.
Your beloved one is a foreigner, and he/she does not operate under
the values that have been inculcated over your brain time after time.
He/She makes his/her own descriptions of reality. And so do you. So what are you going to do ? Are you going to follow everybody else like
cattle ? Or are you going to create the reality of your life together with
your beloved one ? Ask yourself. Realize that one of their rules is cloning your beliefs :
when you want, everybody wants too. And vice-versa :
when you don't want, everybody doesn't want too.
Take a look now at some parts of the conversation between Neo and the
Oracle, in "The Matrix" Realize that the Oracle didn't tell Neo that he was not the One.
That's what HE first told her. She was just manipulating his
mind. And once he didn't consider himself as 'the One', she just acted
accordingly : what came then was a conformist description of reality.
"You're waiting for your next life", "That's the way these things
go". She fished his curiosity about what he allegedly was
waiting for. And then she fished again the comment about Morpheus...
You're obviously not "The One" who is going to "save the world".
Nobody is. There is really no idolatry, mithology or messiahnism in the
Backstage. Besides, the world has already been "saved" during the
passage of the hurricane some years ago... However, if you want, you can be the One who is going to take charge of
your destiny, who is going to govern your own life.
And this decision is up to you. Do you choose to be "the One", or do you
choose to follow everybody else like cattle ? Ask yourself. Just to illustrate a little more, take a look at the conversation
between Cypher and Trinity in "The Matrix", and the subsequent
intervention of Tank killing Cypher. When you really believe in something, there's nothing they can do to
change your mind. Under will, Love is the Law. Notice that
LOVE CREATES REALITY. You just have to believe hard enough. Believing hard enough is something that they themselves do all the time
in the Backstage reality. Observe that many of them are now in the
process of developing their so-called "paranormal powers". The principles are the same. Theoretically speaking, if you
believe hard enough, you can move an object (also known as telekinesis),
even without having your crystal activated. On the other hand, trusting in the voice of your beloved one inside
your heart, is not that difficult. It's just a question of
syntony. You just have to break the rational structures of your brain. Now you're going to have to use the right hemisphere of your brain,
that one responsible for your intuition, for your creativity, for your
sixth sense. If you're a PAN, use also your PAN side. Now you're going to have to Orientalize your mind, and impregnate
it with the traditional oriental way of thinking. If you were
educated in the Stage World in a Western country, then your brain may be
presently addicted to the Western culture rationalism, along with its
dictatorship of the brain. So now you have to
Orientalize your mind, Easternize your brain. Let your
PAN side blossom inside your heart, let your intuitions blossom as well.
Notice that your beloved one is not Western, and not Eastern.
He/She is a foreigner ! YOU KNOW his/her eyes never lie. There is an exercise that has been ventilated in the field of
neurolinguistics which is very simple and may be an additional option to help
you in the process of breaking the rational structures of the brain : you can
practice writing with the other hand that you usually do not use to write.
That is, if you're right-handed, practice writing with your left hand, and
vice-versa. You can do the same with a variety of activities, such as washing
manually your china for instance (if you hold the dishes with the left
hand and the sponge with the right, for example, now you change hands).
You're saying subliminally to your brain that reality is not necessarily
what used to be : it is what you decide it to be. So if your beloved one decides to take the initiative and approach you
in the Stage World, remember that this approach doesn't obey terrestrial
logic and is not bound by Stage World concepts, but by foreign logic.
And foreign logic says that you're the only owner and master of
your own destiny (Dragvarda, remember ?), as well as that
your beloved one is also the only owner and master of his/her destiny.
Doesn't he/she also
want you ? The rule of the Backstage is Love. Use your pan side,
use your sixth sense. Follow your heart, not your brain. No matter what he/she says to you inside your heart - if he/she decides
to approach you or if you are the one who must take the initiative to
approach him/her - no matter what your beloved one says,
it is the truth and it's going to happen. Your beloved one is not a horse or a mare. He/She never judges
you. He/She also adores you. Never doubt this fact.
He/She is with you, on your side. He/She is NOT one of
your speculators. Believe in his or her open aura, his or her passionate
eyes. These eyes never lie. [NEW] - Take a look at the conversation between
A.T. (the man) and Joseph (the boy) in the movie "Crossworlds" : Trusting is not in the field of thinking. Don't trust your brain.
Instead, trust yourself, trust your heart, trust your beloved one,
blindly if necessary. Throw your brain in the garbage, if it is needed.
And don't believe their characters : they always lie. And if the initiative to approach you is his/her responsibility, and if
his/her character is apparently not doing something "rational" or
"terrestrial" in order to approach you, never mind. You don't have to
understand. Your part here is just trusting, while his/her part is
helping your brain to break its rationalism and then approach you.
So you only have to trust hard enough, and do not-doing : behave as if
he/she wouldn't approach you at all, and don't do anything because of their
characters. Don't change your routine in the hope or with the expectation
that your beloved one will appear to you. Simply maintain your routine,
so as to "stop the world". Stopping the world is very important. It would be much more simple
if you used terrestrial logic and approach his/her character in the
conventional Stage World style. Trusting, however, is more difficult, but
it is worth while. Try to think of it this way : he/she is helping you to break illusions in
your brain that are crystallized in the form of dichotomies and rationalism,
after years of terrestrialism. So if you manage to trust continuously his/her
voice inside your heart, his/her eyes, etc., while not considering at all
what their characters say within their delirium-based, sleep-inductive
brainwashing, then he/she W-I-L-L approach you, and you'll be ready
for a relationship with his/her character in the Stage World without
any problem : an unconventional relationship with him/her, a relationship
based on foreign concepts. Trusting is very important for the
relationship itself, once - depending on your case - you won't have your
crystal activated during this relationship. Do you believe that
true love can exist without confidence ? Ask yourself. And on another level of perception, you're preparing yourself in advance
for when you have access to the Backstage reality, and for when you have
your crystal activated. Remember : they know very very well the
indispensable role of trusting and of believing hard enough in the process of
creating reality. That's how they move objects and levitate. That's how
they develop all the potential latent capacities of their brains. Well,
you don't have your crystal activated yet, but what about beginning
with trusting your beloved one ? It's doable, and it's on your hands,
right now. Growing up spiritually is not easy. Sometimes your brain - which is
vulnerable to their speculation - may need to grow up on its own.
A nagual element may be necessary to help dislodging your
assemblage point to the out-of-this-world position.
So ask yourself : in this world of manipulated realities, what do you
prefer to see, a sweet smile of a false character ?;
or a piercing, penetrating, nagual look
of a Martian ? And finally, always remember the following points :
[NEW] - And by the way, if you have had a "deja vu"
involving this specific kundalinic shell of your beloved one in a
relationship with you, then maybe it's too late for a change...
A "deja vu" can determine the reality of the relationship because you know
already it IS going to happen. [NEW] - Try to think of it this way :
they don't deserve that you give up this kundalinic shell of your beloved
one. Now it's your time to invert the poles. Their characters
don't deserve your suffering. They're cynical. Aren't you the owner of
your destiny ? They don't deserve to rule your destiny...
[NEW] - Regarding their sentences, here are a
couple of examples on how they could potentially attack your confidence in
your beloved one : [NEW] - Example #1 - (if you're a man)
(you hear a workmate saying this sentence to somebody else) :
"The store girl has guaranteed me
peremptorily that the goods would be there for me, but they weren't.
She probably just wanted to get rid of me.". [NEW] - Well, your beloved wife is not the
store girl... The mathematical
similarities here are : both are women and both are guaranteeing something...
The obvious difference is that they are cynical characters in a Stage World,
they lie to one another all the time, and they invent descriptions of reality
for your mind as well, while your beloved one doesn't lie to you. If he/she
guarantees you something is going to happen, then it is going
to happen. You can't control the reality
(and falsiness) of their characters in the Stage World, but regarding the
reality of your relationship with your beloved one, that's another story.
That's your lives, your destinies, your descriptions of reality. Mentalize :
(first level) "store girl - guarantee - it doesn't represent anything else";
Example #2 (This example added on December 28,
2000)- You're in the drugstore being attended by the shop guy.
Another customer by your side says in a serious tone : "Do you have
tuna fish ?" After a while, you realize he's just kidding because
drugstores don't sell fishes, and unless this customer is a close friend of
the shop guy and is talking about something private (like organizing a party,
for instance), the sentence you've just heard is fake. Then the customer
continues : "Do you have tires ?" The shop boy smiles and replies :
"Firestone or Goodyear ?". Here they're manipulating your mind again. The subliminal message
this time is : "You have to give up this kundalinic shell of your beloved
one. You're a Goofy, an idiot, an imbecile, because you can't distinguish
reality from illusion. Your discernment is bad. You believe in 'impossible'
things, like the purchase of tires or tuna fish in a drugstore. Believing
in the voice of your belove one inside your heart is as impossible as
believing in these sentences". The worst part is that if you conclude in your thoughts that they're just
kidding to each other, then they can find an exception in their next
sentences just to accuse you of foregone conclusion in your thoughts.
They could say for instance : So you take the tuna fish and the snacks,
and I take the beers, OK ?". First of all, notice that you're not a demented individual only because
you didn't realize immediately that the customer was kidding. Remember :
their characters think in a speed hundreds of times faster than
the speed of survivors and formerly than the speed of any
neutral person. Realize that you're not an idiot for not having
an activated crystal or for not speaking their language.
Nobody is. In order to remove the energetic value of the speculation,
you may want to mentalize : (first level) - "horse movement - it doesn't
represent anything else"; (second level) - "HORSE MOVEMENT",
"FOREGONE CONCLUSION INDUCEMENT". To the last sentence about tires, you
can visualize something like : "SHELLS CHANGE INDUCEMENT", "KUNDALINI IS
Finally, if the kundalinic shell of your beloved one didn't approach you yet,
don't lose your faith. And when I say "faith", I don't mean
"religious faith", and neither "hope", but just
"the will necessary to create reality". Remember :
confidence is the key, and love creates reality.
Under will, Love is the Law. Don't forget :
"It's not the spoon that bends, it's only yourself.". [NEW] - So ask yourself : am I doing everything
O.K. ? Can I give him/her more ? or What can I do to give him/her more ? [NEW] - Certainly one of the things you can do to
"give more" to your beloved one "bending yourself" is to implement right
now what you may call "the advanced level of not-looking".
It means that now you're going to quit all the tiny remaining aspects of
looking. For example, if you're still looking to the head of some
kundalinic shells, don't do it anymore, unless it's something very natural
and quick. [NEW] - You simply increase your concentration and
eliminate completely kundalinic shells from your look. You eliminate any
tiny "magnet" sensation they could potentially produce over your brain.
Practice deviating automatically your eyes from any element containing
vivid colors, such as red, pink, orange, "metallic light blue",
"metallic light green", "metallic gray", and so on. [NEW] - This will give you the necessary
strength to concentrate your thoughts on the kundalinic shell of your
beloved one that is going to date you in the Stage World, and/or elsewhere.
(Updates marked with "[NEW]" -
Added on December 03, 2000)
(Oracle) "Open your mouth, say 'Aahh'"
(Neo) "Aahh"
(Oracle) "OK, I'm supposed to say : Hmm, that's interesting, but...
then you say..."
(Neo) "But what ?"
(Oracle) "But you already know what I'm going to tell you..."
(Neo) "I'm not the One"
(Oracle) "Sorry, kid. You got the gift, but it looks like
you're waiting for something"
(Neo) "What ?"
(Oracle) "Your next life, maybe. Who knows. That's the way these things
(Neo laughs)
(Oracle) "What's funny ?"
(Neo) "Morpheus. He almost had me convinced."
(Oracle) "I know. Poor Morpheus, without him we're lost."
(Neo) "What you mean, 'without him' ?"
(Cypher) "If Neo is the One, then it have [sic] to be some kind
of a miracle to stop me. Right ? I mean, how can he be the One if he's dead ?
You never did answer me before, if you bored into the Morpheus bullshit.
Come on, all I want is a little 'yes' or 'no'. Look into his eyes,
those big, pretty eyes, and tell me :
'Yes' or 'No' ?"
(Trinity) "Yes."
(Cypher) "No, I don't believe it."
(Tank, shooting Cypher) "Believe it or not, your piece of shit,
you're still going [to] burn".
"The world can be what you make it".
(doctor to John, in the movie "Dark City")
"Do you think that it's air that you're breathing ?"
(Morpheus to Neo, in "The Matrix")
(Joseph) "I can't do this alone" (on destroying Ferris, "the bad guy",
the realities-maker mastermind)
(A.T.) "Why not ? You're the weapon. Find the will."
"Welcome to the desert of the real."
(Morpheus to Neo, in "The Matrix")
"A deja vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix."
(Trinity, in "The Matrix")